Tamara O'Brien comes to Kuala Lumpur to conduct We're Orff Training

... and Cheryl Burgemeister, our Music Room expert, also shows how to make the most of the Music Room programs.

We are introducing We're Orff and Music Room into Malaysia and South East Asia in conjunction with Kingsburg Pianos Music and Arts Studio.

Would you like to know a little more about the "Orff Method"? Ask Tamara

Tamara and Cheryl conducted a 5 day "We're Orff" and "Music Room" training course to accredit our first group of teachers in Malaysia to present this prestigeous Australian program utilising the world-renowned Orff Method. Would you like to be one of them?

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Our Accredited Music Schools
in Malaysia

  • Kingsburg Pianos
    Music and Arts Studio
  • We're Orff accredited schools have certified to have properly trained and accredited teachers and to be equipped with high quality Orff instruments.

    We hope to see the "We're Orff" program taken up by many music schools and kindies as a premium offering to help them stand out from the rest - and we are providing the support to see that happen.

    Kingsburg Pianos Music and Arts Studio is our partner for our Malaysian launch and we are look forward to working with them to present and support this program.

    If you are interested in gaining "We're Orff" accreditation for your school, kindie or home business, contact us.

    Contact us »

    Only the best instruments
    at "We're Orff" schools.

    To be accredited, We're Orff music schools must not only have only the best possible Orff Instruments, but also the right combination and the right mix.

    Cheap instruments do not have that "gorgeous sound" but lose tune very easily, especially in South East Asian heat and humidity.

    We work with Optimum Percussion Australia to help provide the best German Orff instruments supplemented by other custom designed high quality instruments that sound great and stay in tune.

    If it's not a "We're Orff" School, you do NOT have the guarantee of properly trained teachers using the highest possible standard of Orff musical instruments.

    Want to Know more? contact us.

    Contact us »

    and Information evenings

    These were held Monday 8th June 2015 to Friday 12th June. There was also a free workshops and information evenings for Music Room (Monday night, June 8th) and for We're Orff (Wednesday night, June 10th)

    If you would like to know more about Music Room and We're Orff for your child or for school, kindie or home business, contact us.

    Contact us »